
  • FlipGive Fundraiser

    FlipGive is a website where you can log in and shop hundreds of name brand places and help Hardcore Athletics earn cash back towards team expenses. Use it daily and watch the funds grow! Thanks for your support as every little bit helps!

  • GTM Team Store

    Here is the link to our GTM Team Store. Here you can find links to purchase mandatory and optional practice/event day gear. The title will specify which items are mandatory. Please make sure you double check sizing charts and sizes (youth/girls/juniors/women's) as customizable items can't be returned due to user error. You must log in with a password in order to view our items. The password is BEARS. Please let Coach Ashley know if you have any issues with ordering.

  • Hardcore Cheer Bow Box - Optional Customizable

    Here is a link to our optional sponsor if you'd like to purchase a "bow box" to keep that beautiful competition bow looking new. These boxes help to prevent damages when bows are just thrown in bags, etc. It helps protect it from any spills, bending, traveling, etc. Customize yours today using this link!

  • Hickies

    Here is the link to purchase WHITE hickies for your cheer shoes. It is mandatory for all members to have these in their shoes for practices and competitions. I suggest buying 2 sets as some Hickies may break from wear and tear. It's great to have backups. Look online for coupon codes or special offers. These can also be ordered through Amazon, Ebay, etc. Do not pay more than $15.00 a set.

  • NYX Makeup

    You must purchase the following items for competition & event seasonal dates from this brand of makeup. Please use the search bar with-in the site to find the items listed. Ulta Beauty sells it online/in-store or you may go to any NYX store/site to purchase the following items:

    Item #2297579 - TEAL Glitter
    Item #2297586 - SILVER Glitter (NOT ice/crystal)
    Item #2297561 - Glitter PRIMER
    Item #TBD - High Definition Blush - Mauve N' Out - Medium Mauve Pink

    Other makeup essentials are black mascara, black eyeliner (liquid, pencil or powder, your choice), foundation if needed

  • Omni Cheer

    Through the Omni Cheer website, you may order the following items for mandatory practice gear & mandatory event gear. Do not add any customization. Once your tank & shorts arrive, please bring them to practice & I have an outside company who will add the customized logo, etc for an additional cost.

    Item #151TKP (Teal & Black Tank Top)
    -Fits tight but true to size

    Item #152SHP (Teal & Black Shorts)
    - Fits tight but true to size

    Item #S1731 (Nfinity Vengeance Shoes)
    - Runs small for youth sizes, size up 1 - 1.5 sizes

  • The Cheer Bow Company

    Here is the link to purchase your 3 mandatory bows. Each bow is customized with your daughter's name (besides comp) and is paid directly to the manufacturer.

    1: Teal paw bow with black glitter stripes & name
    2. Black glitter bow with claw marks & name
    3. Bling teal, black & silver Comp bow

    Click this link:
